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About Us

M-Power, LLC is a locally owned wind energy development company founded on April 12, 2007.  There are over 200 unit holders including: private investors, economic development organizations and 175 landowners.

M-Power's initial project consisted of 49.5 megawatt [MW] construction ready site, along with a collector substation and a 13 mile transmission outlet line.  This project was sold to Otter Tail Power Company.  During the same time period M-Power also developed a 120 MW footprint, which was sold to NextEra Energy.  These projects are located in Griggs and Steele County, North Dakota.

M-Power has pursued a new 150 MW wind farm development in Steele County [Luverne North Field Extension] which is adjacent to its initial projects.  In addition, preliminary development efforts have been made for a 200 MW project in southern Nelson County.

M-Power has partnered with Border Power, LLC of Rolette, North Dakota to form Rolette Power Development, LLC.  Rolette Power has a site permit from the North Dakota Public Service Commission for a 100 MW wind farm in Rolette County.

M-Power is currently soliciting a partner or partners to complete our wind development projects in Steele, Nelson and Rolette Counties.

  • Following the death of our long time Manager Warren Enyart, Lloyd Anderson, our business consultant since inception along with the Board of Governors has taken responsibility of business activities. 

  • Beth Berge, Governor and Treasurer, works at our office in Finley, North Dakota.

MPower Logo Transparent.png

Phone: 701.524.2240        

Finley, ND 58230

Located at 602 Lincoln Avenue South

Mailing Address:  PO Box 335 


Fax: 701.524.2244     

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