About Us
M-Power, LLC is a locally owned wind energy development company founded on April 12, 2007. There are over 200 unit holders including: private investors, economic development organizations and 175 landowners.
M-Power's initial project consisted of 49.5 megawatt [MW] construction ready site, along with a collector substation and a 13 mile transmission outlet line. This project was sold to Otter Tail Power Company. During the same time period M-Power also developed a 120 MW footprint, which was sold to NextEra Energy. These projects are located in Griggs and Steele County, North Dakota.
M-Power has pursued a new 150 MW wind farm development in Steele County [Luverne North Field Extension] which is adjacent to its initial projects. In addition, preliminary development efforts have been made for a 200 MW project in southern Nelson County.
M-Power has partnered with Border Power, LLC of Rolette, North Dakota to form Rolette Power Development, LLC. Rolette Power has a site permit from the North Dakota Public Service Commission for a 100 MW wind farm in Rolette County.
M-Power is currently soliciting a partner or partners to complete our wind development projects in Steele, Nelson and Rolette Counties.
Following the death of our long time Manager Warren Enyart, Lloyd Anderson, our business consultant since inception along with the Board of Governors has taken responsibility of business activities.
Beth Berge, Governor and Treasurer, works at our office in Finley, North Dakota.